Spanjaard Flaw & Crack Detector System consists of 3 products for the convenient non-destructive testing (NDT) of cracks and other surface flaws in metal components. Spanjaard Flaw & Crack Detector System is designed for use on all metals including Titanium, Nickel, Stainless Steel and Aluminium. Click below to see how they apply Spanjaard Flaw & Crack Detector : https://youtu.be/nf3SdRiGStk . . By DAVOR Marketing Team 📞: +6011-26139527 (Office), +6012-2919166 (Sales) ✉️: sales@davor.com.my 💻: https://www.davor.com.my/
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How to apply Spanjaard Flaw & Crack Detector

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